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Who is Quirky Miller?

He is intelligent, open and loves to make new friends; but, above all else, he is compassionate...and a little bit magic!

Please read on to find out more.

Quirky Miller and the Dragon


Quirky Miller, oh Quirky Miller

Where will you go traveling today?

If you tap on the floor near your magical door

What friends will you find on your way?


Quirky Miller is magic!

He can open a portal in his room that can take him anywhere and he can make a single wish each day, as long as it is made for someone in great need.


In Quirky’s first adventure, a dragon-sized problem is solved by a dragon-sized heart!

Quirky Miller and the Dragon by David Rudkin
Quirky Miller and the Pirate


Quirky Miller, oh Quirky Miller

When you step through your magical door

With your one wish each day, keeping trouble at bay

There’s some marvelous action in store!


In Quirky’s second adventure, a very hungry pirate wants every last sausage on the high seas!



EARLY 2018

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